ABA Master’s Programs in Florida

Board Certified Behavior Analysts will find a robust job market in Florida where BCBAs work in autism centers, clinics, schools, and research centers. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) in Florida has had all certifying responsibilities for BCBAs since 2003. In Florida, public K-12 schools must allow certified applied behavior analysts who are licensed under Chapter 490 or 491 (the statutes that license psychologists) to provide services in the classroom setting. A 2022 bill (CS/HB 255) extended requirements to paraprofessionals who work with ABA therapists in classroom settings. 

Demand for BCBAs in Florida 

Recently, there was a decrease in demand for ABA therapists in Florida. The demand for BCBAs decreased 9.8%, from 3,585 in 2022 to 3,245 in 2023. This is not aligned with the national trend, which is an increase in the demand for ABA therapists.

According to Zip Recruiter, the average salary for a BCBA in Florida is $60,170 ($29 per hour). The salary ranges from market to market. For example, the average salary in Fort Lauderdale is $91,462 and in Boca Raton it is $90,633.

Featured ABA Programs Accepting Florida Applicants

Master’s Programs in Florida To Become a BCBA

The BCBA credential is an important part of being an ABA therapist in Florida. The requirements for certification in Florida include:

  • A master’s degree in psychology, education, applied behavior analysis that is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board
  • Graduate level coursework in behavior analysis,
  • Supervised clinical experience. 

The BCBA verified course sequence provides a series of classes that provide the foundation for the BCBA exam. Coursework includes introduction to behavior analysis, ethics courses, measurement, assessment, and supervision. Some programs also include coursework in research, radical behaviorism, or other aspects of behavior analysis depending on the program’s focus and goals.

Students seeking a BCBA credential in Florida have a variety of options to choose from. Nine universities offer the BCBA coursework and varying levels of supervised practical work, and research opportunities. The options include online and on campus programs, graduate certificates or full master’s degrees. Some programs focus on clinical experience while others focus on research opportunities.

Online ABA Master’s Program in Florida

Online ABA Master’s programs provide flexibility and the ability to learn the content necessary to become a BCBA while managing a job and family. In Florida, Florida Atlantic University, Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech), the University of South Florida, and the University of West Florida offer online options. Students who choose this option will take the BCBA coursework and complete requirements to earn a graduate degree, but will complete coursework online and may be required to secure their own clinical locations or BCBA supervisors.

Florida Atlantic University

  • Boca Raton, FL
  • 20-24 months
  • Online

Master’s in Special Education Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: Online

Length: 20-24 months 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $303.71 per credit hour, does not include expenses and fees

Program Overview:
Florida Atlantic University offers a Masters in Special Education with a concentration in ABA. In addition to the required course sequence, students take courses in special education including courses in instruction and assessment. The focus of this program is to provide a fast-track for students who want to earn a Master’s in special education with the ABA credential.

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Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)

  • Melbourne, FL
  • 33 credit hours
  • Online

Masters in Behavior Analysis

Modality: Online

Length: 33 credit hours 

GRE Required: Yes, may be waived for applicants with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or higher 

Tuition: $970 per credit hour, total for six semesters $22,350

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
The online Masters in Behavior Analysis provide students with coursework designed to meet the BCBA requirements and provide additional coursework to strengthen practical skills in an online format. The program is 100% online and can be completed in six semesters. Students can enroll year round, in fall, spring, and summer. Instructors are available for live meetings.

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University of South Florida

  • Tampa, FL
  • 5 semesters
  • Online

Masters of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: Online

Length: 5 semesters 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $431.43 per credit hour for in-state students

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
The fully online Masters of Arts in ABA provides a flexible way for students to earn the BCBA credential. The program provides the BCBA course sequence and practicum fieldwork where students engage in 1,500 hours of clinical experience. The online course also provides in-state tuition to out-of-state students.

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University of West Florida

  • Pensacola, FL
  • 30-33 credit hours
  • Online

Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: Online

Length: 30-33 credit hours 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $384.60 per credit hour, $11,538-$12,974.49 total 

Accreditation: Qualified ABA Credential (QABA)

Program Overview:
The MA in ABA is provided through the Department of Special Education. Students are trained to work in education or clinical settings. The program does not provide teacher certification. Students can earn a BCBA, QBA or IBA certification. In addition to BCBA coursework, students can engage in work with the UWF Center for Behavior Analysis, a leading resource for those interested in ABA.

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Featured ABA Programs Accepting Florida Applicants

Hybrid Master’s ABA Program in Florida

There are currently no hybrid master’s ABA programs in Florida. All options are entirely online or entirely on campus.

Graduate Certificate ABA Program in Florida

There are four universities that offer a graduate certificate in ABA; Florida Institute of Technology, Florida International University, the University of Central Florida, and the University of West Florida. The graduate certificate option typically provides just the BCBA coursework, and may or may not provide support for students who need to complete the supervised clinical fieldwork requirement. Graduate certificate options are good for students who already hold a graduate degree in a related field (like education or psychology), are connected with a fieldwork location, and need to complete the coursework to sit for the BCBA exam.

Florida International University

  • Miami, FL
  • 21 credit hours, 12 months
  • Campus

Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: On campus

Length: 21 credit hours, 12 months 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $12,453 for the full series

Program Overview:
For students who already have a graduate degree and want to complete the BCBA coursework, the graduate certificate offers coursework over one year of classes. Classes are live and held on Zoom once a week. Supervised fieldwork is not provided through the graduate certificate. Admission is for spring only.

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Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)

  • Melbourne, FL
  • 4 semesters
  • Online

Assistant Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate

Modality: Online

Length: 4 semesters of coursework and fieldwork  

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $510 per credit hour, $8,160 total 

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
Florida Tech’s ABA Graduate Certificate program provides an online program of courses for students who have an undergraduate degree, but want to earn a BCBA credential. Florida Tech’s program is the largest provider for online behavior analysis coursework. Students complete 16 hours of coursework in as few as four semesters. Instructors are available for live sessions during the week.  Students can enroll year-round in fall, spring, or summer.

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University of Central Florida

  • Orlando, FL
  • 18 credit hours
  • Campus

Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: On campus

Length: 18 credit hours 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $288.16 per credit hour; with fees, $327.32 for in-state students and $1,151.72 for non-residents

Program Overview:
The Graduate Certificate in ABA is provided through the School of Teacher Education’s Special Education program. The program requires that students have taken Methods of Behavioral  Management, a 3 credit hour class. The coursework consists of 18 credit hours to complete the BCBA sequence. It does not include the supervised fieldwork component.

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University of West Florida

  • Pensacola, FL
  • 21 credit hours
  • Online

Graduate Certificate

Modality: Online

Length: 21 credit hours  

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $384.60 per credit hour, total $8,766 

Accreditation: Qualified ABA Credential (QABA)

Program Overview:
The Center for Behavior Analysis provides an online graduate certificate option that provides coursework to meet BCBA requirements. Faculty work in the field of ABA and are able to provide practical experiences. Students may also enroll in an online masters option. The program provides options for the BCBA, or Qualified Behavior Analyst (QBA) or International Behavior Analysis (IBA) certification exams as well.

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On Campus Master’s in ABA Programs in Florida

An on campus master’s experience can provide access to faculty, more opportunities for clinical experiences and research projects. Six universities offer an on campus master’s in ABA: Florida State University, Florida International University, Florida Institute of Technology, the University of Miami, the University of North Florida, and the University of South Florida.

Florida International University

  • Miami, FL
  • 45 credit hours, 18 months
  • Campus

Master of Science in Psychology with a major in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: On campus

Length: 45 credit hours, 18 months

GRE Required: Yes

Tuition: $4,101 per semester for residents, $9,015 per semester for non-residents

Program Overview:
The focus of the Florida International University program is to provide the BCBA course sequence, practical experiences, and first-hand experience with organizations that provide ABA services. Students complete the required 1,500 hours of fieldwork and graduate prepared to sit for the BCBA exam. Students also take courses in research and have opportunities to engage in research projects. Florida International University expects to apply for ABAI certification in 2025.

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Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)

  • Melbourne, FL or Orlando, FL
  • 33 credit hours
  • Campus

Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: On campus

Length: 33 credit hours 

GRE Required: Yes, but the GRE may be waived for applicants with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or higher 

Tuition: $431.43 per credit hour for state residents, $877.17 per credit hour for out-of-state students

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
Students can attend courses at Florida Tech’s main campus or at the Orlando Graduate Center. Classes are offered during the day or during evenings or weekends. This program focuses on students who want to gain ABA skills to provide ABA in healthcare settings. Instructors are BCBA certified, and are engaged in research and practice, including at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment on Florida Tech’s campus. In addition to coursework, students have the option to engage in research in clinical practice or organizational consulting or at the Scott Center.

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Florida State University

  • Panama City, FL
  • 5 semesters
  • Campus

Master’s Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: On campus

Length: Five semesters 

GRE Required: No, but recommended 

Tuition: Currently, all students receive a tuition waiver via paid assistantship placements

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
The Master’s in ABA is available to students at FSU Panama City and Tallahassee campuses. Students engage in classes together via technology-connected classrooms. The program is offered through the Department of Psychology and focuses on training students in ABA for clinical placements. Students engage in fieldwork at approved ABA agencies. To apply, students must have taken 15 hours of undergraduate psychology courses, including general psychology, developmental psychology, ABA, conditioning and learning, and research methods.

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University of Miami

  • Coral Gables, FL
  • 42 credit hours (2 years including summers)
  • In person

Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: In person

Length: 42 credit hours (2 years including summers) 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $2,530 per credit hour

Program Overview:
The University of Miami uses a cohort model. Students are admitted in small groups of 9 to 12 students per year and complete the program together. The focus of the University of Miami program is for students who have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and who want additional training in ABA. Students complete the required coursework and spend 20 hours each week engaged in practical experiences. At the end of the program, each student completes a capstone research project. The ABA program does require a 3.2 GPA for the last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework.

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University of North Florida

  • Jacksonville, FL
  • 45 credit hours
  • Campus

Master’s in Education with an Applied Behavior Analysis concentration

Modality: On campus

Length: 45 credit hours 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $408.10 per credit hour; when fees are added the cost is $493.53 per credit hour for in-state students and $1044.27 per credit hour for non-residents

Program Overview:
The University of North Florida’s M.Ed program is housed in the Department of Education. Students earn a Masters in Special Education and complete the BCBA verified course sequence, a two-semester capstone sequence, and are engaged in experiential learning. The University of North Florida also has an emphasis on positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS).

Students who already hold a master’s degree can complete just the ABA certificate, which includes the course sequence (21 credit hours). Under this track, students must find their own fieldwork opportunities and supervisor.

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University of South Florida

  • Tampa, FL
  • 45 credit hours, expected to complete 2 years
  • Online + In Person

Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis

Modality: Online, In Person

Length: 45 credit hours, students are expected to complete the coursework within 2 years 

GRE Required: No

Tuition: $431.43 per credit hour for in-state students, $877.17 per credit hour for out-of-state students

Accreditation: Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)

Program Overview:
The Master of Science in ABA is a collaboration between the Colleges of Behavioral and Community Sciences, Arts and Sciences, and Education. It is  designed to prepare graduates to engage in ABA therapy in various settings and fields. It also prepares students to be engaged in research and train future behavior analysts. Students complete BCBA coursework, are involved in multiple practicum opportunities, and engage in research projects, including publication opportunities. When admitted, students are expected to be full-time students and complete the coursework in 2 years. The first year of the program is coursework and the second year is completing a master’s thesis and practicum training at a field site.

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No GRE Required ABA Programs in Florida

Most of the programs in Florida do not require a GRE for admission. The admission requirements vary from program to program, with some requiring a minimum GPA for admission, letters of recommendation, and personal statements.

ABAI Accredited ABA Programs in Florida

Florida Institute of Technology, Florida State University, and the University of South Florida all have ABAI accredited programs. Florida International University, the only program without ABAI accreditation, intends to be accredited by 2025.

Affordable ABA Programs in Florida

The ABA programs in Florida offer a range of affordability. Some, like Florida State University, offer tuition support as part of the program. The least expensive options have costs that range from $327.32 per credit hour at University of Central Florida to $458.10 per credit hour at University of North Florida. The total cost of any ABA graduate program will depend on the total coursework, expenses and fees.

Accelerated ABA Programs in Florida

The best option for an accelerated path to a BCBA is the Graduate Certificate at the Florida Institute of Technology. It is provided entirely online for $8,160 for the full BCBA course sequence.

ABA and BCBA Programs in Florida

Degree TitleUniversity NameProgram LengthProgram CostABAI RecognitionGRE RequiredCityState
M.Ed. in Special Education, Applied Behavior Analysis ConcentrationFlorida Atlantic University2 yearsLess than $14,000 totalVCS ApprovedNoBoca RatonFL
M.S. in Applied Behavior AnalysisUniversity of West Florida2 yearsNot specifiedVCS ApprovedNoPensacolaFL
M.S. in Psychology: Applied Behavior AnalysisFlorida State University5 semestersNot specifiedAccreditedNoTallahasseeFL
M.S. in Applied Behavior AnalysisFlorida Institute of Technology2 years$18,914/yearAccreditedNoMelbourneFL
M.S. in Applied Behavior AnalysisUniversity of South Florida2 years$8,350/year (in-state); $19,048/year (out-of-state)AccreditedNoTampaFL
M.S. in Applied Behavior AnalysisUniversity of Miami2 yearsNot specifiedVCS ApprovedNoCoral GablesFL
M.S. in Applied Behavior AnalysisFlorida International University2 yearsNot specifiedVCS ApprovedNoMiamiFL
M.A. in Applied Learning and Instruction, Applied Behavior Analysis TrackUniversity of Central Florida2 yearsNot specifiedVCS ApprovedNoOrlandoFL

ABA Masters Programs in Other States

